李红寿(1969— )



长期从事莫高窟的小气候、生态环境和文物保护工作。近10 年从事莫高窟水分与地气的研究。2014年2月至2016年2月,主持完成甘肃省科学计划项目自然科学基金“极干旱地区潜水蒸发特征与形成机理研究”(1308RJZF290);2016年1月至2017年12月,主持完成国家自然科学基金地区基金项目“敦煌莫高窟窟内水分来源及其驱动机理研究”(****3009)。正在主持完成国家自然科学基金项目“极干旱地区地气活动特征和形成机理研究”(****7029)、甘肃省科学计划项目重点自然科学基金“黄土高原区地气活动特征与形成机理”(20JR5RA056)和甘肃省敦煌文物保护研究中心开放课题“敦煌莫高窟地——气耦合对洞窟壁画的影响”(GDW2021YB03)。参与多项国家自然科学基金课题及国家科技支撑计划项目。

以第一作者/通讯作者发表论文40 余篇。获国家发明专利2项,实用新型4项。2012年获得“甘肃省科技进步一等奖”(排名第四);2016年获得“十二五文物保护科学与技术创新”二等奖(排名第四)。


1.Li H, Wang W, Zhan H, et al. New judgement on the source of soil water in extremely dry zone[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2010, 30(1):1-7;

2.Li, H, Wang, W, Zhang, G,Zhang, Z,Wang, X, GSPAC water movement in extremely dry area[J]. Journal of Arid Land, 2011, 3: 141–149. (SCI);

3.Li H,Wang W, Liu B. The daily evaporation characteristics of deeply buried phreatic water in an extremely arid region[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2014, 514(6): 172-179. (SCI);

4.李红寿,汪万福,詹鸿涛等。应用拱棚——空调法对极干旱区降水的模拟回收[J].《生态学报》,2014,34(21): 6182-6189;

5.Li H, Wang W, Ma J, et al. Ecological significance of the sand wedge in the extra-arid gobi area[J]. Arid Land Research and Management, 2014, 28(3): 261-273. (SCI);

6.Li H, Wang W, Wu F, et al. A new sand-wedge–forming mechanism in an extra-arid area[J]. Geomorphology, 2014, 211: 43-51. (SCI);

7.李红寿,汪万福,詹鸿涛等。环境因子对敦煌莫高窟洞窟水分蒸发的影响[J].《干旱气象》,2014,32(6): 940-946;

8.Li H, Wang W. Determination and analysis of phreatic water evaporation in extra-arid dune region[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2014, 34(2): 116-122;

9.Li H,Wang W, Zhan H, et al.Water in the Mogao Grottoes, China: where it comes from and how it is driven[J]. Journal of Arid Land, 2015, 7 (1): 37-45. (SCI);

10.李红寿,汪万福,詹鸿涛等。敦煌莫高窟洞窟水分蒸发量的测定与蒸发特征分析[J].《世界科技研究与发展》,2016, 38(3): 512-517;

11.Li H, W, Zhan H, et al. The effect of precipitation pulses on evaporation of deeply buried phreatic water in extra-arid areas[J]. Vadose Zone Journal, 2016, 15(5): 1-11. (SCI);

12.李红寿,汪万福,詹鸿涛等。封闭对敦煌莫高窟洞窟温湿度的影响[J].《文物保护与考古科学》,2016,28(3): 40-47;

13.李红寿,汪万福,詹鸿涛等。应用氢氧稳定同位素对极端干旱区蒸发水分来源的确定[J].《生态学报》,2016,36(22): 7436-7455;

14.Li H,Wang W, Zhan H,et al.The effects of atmospheric moisture on the mural paintings of the Mogao Grottoes[J]. Studies in Conservation, 2017, 62(4): 229-239. (SCI);

15.Li H, Wang W, Zhan H, et al. Measurement and analysis of the yearly characteristics of deep-buried phreatic evaporation in a hyper-arid area[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2017,37(1): 53-59;

16.李红寿,詹鸿涛,邱飞。应用D和18O确定敦煌莫高窟洞窟蒸发水分来源[J].《干旱区地理》,2017,40(6): 1179-1187;

17.Li H. Exploring the source and potential of earth-air pulsation using a closed system[J]. Earth Interactions, 2018, 22(9): 1-13.(SCI);

18.Li H., Wang R., Zhan H. The mechanism of formation of desert mirages[J]. Physica Scripta, 2020, 95(4):045501;

19.Li H. The origin of eight trigrams: explaining the mechanism of soil response to temperature change[J]. Sumerianz Journal of Social Science, 2021, 4(3): 84-92;

20.Li, H,Zhan, H.Wang,X. Effect of earth-air breathing on evaporation of deeply-buried phreatic water in extremely arid regions. Hydrological Processes, 35. 2021 (SCI).