殷耀鹏(1989- )




1.Y. Yin, D. Sun, Z. Yu, M. Su, Z. Shan, B. Su, C. Dong, Influence of particle size distribution of pigments on depth profiling of murals using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 47 (2021) 109-116;

2.Y. Yin, Z. Yu, D. Sun, M. Su, Z. Wang, Z. Shan, W. Han, B. Su, C. Dong, A potential method to determine pigment particle size on ancient murals using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy and chemometric analysis, Analytical Methods, 13 (2021) 1381-1391;

3.Y. Yin, D. Sun, M. Su, Z. Yu, B. Su, B. Shui, C. Wu, W. Han, Z. Shan, C. Dong, Investigation of ancient wall paintings in Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Optics & Laser Technology, 120 (2019);

4.Y. Yin, Z. Yu, D. Sun, Z. Shan, Q. Cui, Y. Zhang, Y. Feng, B. Shui, Z. Wang, Z. Yin, B. Chai, W. Zhang, C. Dong, B. Su, In Situ Study of Cave 98 Murals on Dunhuang Grottoes Using Portable Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Frontiers in Physics, 10 (2022);

5.Y. Yin, C. Dong, L. Du, F. Wu, X. Ding, A theoretical study of the structures and chemical bonds of neptunium (III) molecules by a density functional method, The European Physical Journal D, 68 (2014);

6.Y. Yin, C. Dong, X. Ding, Structural and spectral characteristics of neptunyl nitrates NpO2(NO3)nq (n=1-3,q=+1,0,-1) and the hydrated complexes NpO2(NO3)2(H2O)m (m=1-4), Chemical Physics Letters, 635 (2015) 134-138;

7.Y. Yin, C. Dong, X. Ding, Theoretical study on structures and bond properties of NpO2(m+) ions and NpO2(H2O)n(m+) (m=1-2,n =1-6) complexes in the gas phase and aqueous solution, J Phys Chem A, 119 (2015) 3253-3260;


9.殷耀鹏,杜磊强,武芳线,丁晓彬,董晨钟。Np原子外壳层电子波函数性质的理论研究,原子与分子物理,32 (2015) 372-377;

10.D. Sun, X. Li, Y. Yin*, Y. Zhang, W. Han, Y. Wang, M. Su, C. Dong, Z. Yu, B. Su, Effect of buffer gas on the analysis of Dunhuang murals by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy technology, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 55 (2022) 399-408;

11.D. Sun, Y. Zhang, Y. Yin*, Z. Zhang, H. Qian, Y. Wang, Z. Yu, B. Su, C. Dong, M. Su, A Comparative Study of the Method to Rapid Identification of the Mural Pigments by Combining LIBS-Based Dataset and Machine Learning Methods, Chemosensors, 10 (2022);

12.L. Ma, Y. Yin, X. Ding, C. Dong, Structures and properties of Np(NO3)nq (n=16,q=-2+3) coordination compound, Acta Physica Sinica, 66 (2017);

13.杜磊强,殷耀鹏,武芳线,董晨钟。酸根离子及其水溶液对镎酰离子结构性质的影响,原子与分子物理,33 (2016) 589-596;

14.Y. Zhang, D. Sun, Y. Yin, Z. Yu, B. Su, C. Dong, M. Su, Fast identification of mural pigments at Mogao Grottoes using a LIBS-based spectral matching algorithm, Plasma Science and Technology, 24 (2022);

15.张文元,苏伯民,殷耀鹏,水碧纹,崔强。天梯山石窟北凉洞窟壁画颜料的原位无损分析,敦煌研究, 10(2019);

16.C. Wu, D. Sun, M. Su, Y. Yin, W. Han, Q. Lu, C. Dong, Quantitative analysis of Pb in soil samples by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy with a simplified standard addition method, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 34 (2019) 1478-1484;

17.W. Han, M. Su, D. Sun, Y. Yin, Y. Wang, C. Gao, F. Yang, Y. Fu, Analysis of metallic elements dissolution in the Astragalus at different decocting time by using LIBS technique, Plasma Science and Technology, 22 (2020);

18.W Han, Y Wang, Y Yin, X Li, D Sun, M Su, Analysis of metallic elements dissolution in the Astragalus at different decocting time by using LIBS technique, Frontiers in Physics, 10 (2022);

19.善忠伟,崔强,殷耀鹏,张文元,水碧纹,殷志媛,于宗仁。莫高窟壁画彩塑表面降尘调查研究, 文物保护与考古科学, 35 (2023) 127-137;

20.董国钧,朱建锋,水碧纹,赵西晨,殷耀鹏,罗宏杰,于宗仁。基于灰色关联度与层次分析法的墓葬壁画健康评估方法研究,石窟与土遗址保护研究,1 (2022) 56-67.